Friday, October 31, 2014

My Stalker: Part 14 Still Percolatin'

So where we left off last week, was with me asking my friend to speak to the Stalker. Well, all I know is that from Friday until Wednesday, every time I walked through the lobby, the Stalker had not managed to get up to the front desk in time to glower at me as I traipsed through to exit.

So I talked to my friend on Wednesday to inquire if he had in fact spoken to the stalker. And no. So it was purely coincidental. I rescinded my request for him to talk to him, because if the Stalker goes without trying to engage me, and then my friend speaks to him, it might trigger the Stalker to fixate on me all over again.

So of course, Wednesday evening, after several nights of smooth sailing through the lobby, as I got out of the elevator and headed to the lobby, I saw he was there. I was approaching from behind, and as I was walking out with a group of people and walked past a pillar, I thought I was home free, and it was at that moment he turned around. I caught this in my peripheral vision, and I did not turn to lay eyes on him, nor did I acknowledge his presence with a cordial "have a nice night." I just kept walking.

Today I was informed that the Stalker allegedly told the Haitian doorman that he (Stalker) doesn’t know what he did to me. All I said to Haitian doorman was, “I told him. He knows what he did, and he doesn’t want to OWN up to his actions. Clearly he wants attention from me, and if he can’t get it from me, he’s going to get it from you. This whole fixation/obsession is sick. Protect yourself and disengage. He's just like our MOTHERS.” 

And later on today, I called the security console and spoke to the Haitian doorman once more, to stress to him how this has been going on five-nearly-six weeks, and how creepy it is. And how I don't want to speak to their manager about this, but this is clearly upsetting me. And the Haitian doorman promised me to disengage, and try to defuse any future conversations the Stalker might initiate, invoking my name. 

Only time will tell how much longer this ridiculous little drama will play out, but at least someone ELSE in security knows what's going on, and perhaps there's merit in that.

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