Thursday, December 23, 2021

2020-2021 Photo & Meme Dump

In no particular order, here are some photos and memes I've had on my phone for quite a while, and I want to dump them herein, to free up space on my phone and perhaps a reader might find some use or enjoyment (if possible) from them. 

Also worthwhile mentioning, I don't give a shit if you're vaccinated or not. Wear a fucking mask to help stop the spread. The virus doesn't care about what *you think* your Constitutional rights are.

So, of course he caught COVID!

One would *think* that mom's death from COVID early on in the pandemic would be enough for family members to take this shit seriously. NOPE!

One cousin got married last year; and his sister got married at the beginning of November. The latter was a big, splashy, formal affair--one to which Maharajah and I were not invited. We would not have attended anyway, as the majority of those relatives are Trumpists and not vaccinated, but more importantly, they don't wear masks.

My sister and her husband attended this wedding, despite the fact my brother-in-law has Stage 4 lymphoma and an exacerbation of his MS. My sister showed me the photos--nary a mask in sight, so OF COURSE he caught COVID.

Several weeks later my sister resurfaced with a text, and in one breath she mentioned how OMICRON is going like gang-busters where she lives, and in the next breath she suggests we get together for Xmas. My reply was, "Are you effing nuts?"

She's an LPN. She should know better. And yet? This is so fundamentally ON BRAND for her. It's taken me a half century for me to truly open my eyes to her true nature, and it's just disappointing. I have to teach myself to just acknowledge my thoughts and feelings and let them go, because in the end they serve zero purpose, and just further entrench my negativity bias.

I'm angry because I lack the cognitive dissonance to set aside my legitimate worries and go visit her. So what if I am living in fear? I'm hoping my fear is what keeps me from getting sick or dying.