Monday, November 10, 2014

Nexus of Two Sociopaths

So of course, I had my weekly call with my mother (who was just about in masturbatorial glee that she had something new to report--my brother's father-in-law passed away on Friday). And during the call, she wanted a recap/update of the stalker situation. And of course, she had to open her mouth and let the stupid just tumble out: she agrees with my stalker's assessment that I am domineering.

Ironically, she kept insisting this, despite me saying that I lack the give-a-fuck whether anyone agrees with my point of view or not. "But you are you know... you have those tendencies..." I have absolutely ZERO DOUBT that if I were ever raped, she'd say I deserved it.

Still trying to stifle the urge to fixate on this. The irony is pungent. And well, at least she's consistent. I mean, I was molested by my own uncle, and her response (and my grandmother's) was to accuse me of being a slut.

PS: I was planning on going there for a visit tomorrow/Veterans Day because I won't be there for Thanksgiving. (Actually plan on visiting with her, set a timer, go see my sister if she's home as she's recovering from knee surgery, set a timer, and then go see my brother/do a shiva call before heading home.)

A shot of bourbon and a hard cider chaser awaits me when I return home tomorrow.


  1. Sometimes 'domineering' is just a simile for strong willed.

    I like your approach to family visits ! I need a timer!

  2. I am pedantic. Domineering is not the same. She lacks the sophistication to know the difference between confident and strong versus domineering and overbearing. And the fact I don't buy her bullshit doesn't make me domineering either. But her staunch insistence that I am? Yeah, THAT is domineering.
