Sunday, February 16, 2014

19 More Days And Counting

Oh yes. Yesterday she finally got transferred to a nursing facility. So the clock is ticking, and we've got 19 more days to find out if the nursing home/rehab will be a temporary or a permanent solution.

I broke down and called Audrey today, kept things neutral, and she was bitching about how painful the fucking Hoyer lift is. 

Have had a lengthy text conversation with my brother today. Obviously my sister bitches about me to him, and him to me. And to be frank? Between the last five years since dad died, and the final 17 years of dad's life? Yeah. I feel confident in saying I could go another 22 years without a call from my sister.

Further, she really needs to get a therapist to verbally unload. I'm tired of hearing about it, and she really needs to get on some (or better) medication to deal with the anxiety issues. She's addicted to negativity and drama like a sloppy alcoholic loves cheap booze. 

So, as is typical with Audrey, my sister calls today, and doesn't leave a message, and all day long I refused to "take the bait" and call her back. I waited until the day was just about over and texted her, "You rang?" And of course, in keeping with the fact she doesn't talk TO me, but merely vomits words AT me, AT HER CONVENIENCE, my reply has gone unanswered. And that's okay. I spend all day at work on the phone. The last thing I want to do when I am home is talk on the phone with someone who is going to just suck the ever living life right out of me. So no. She doesn't like texts? Oh well. Not my problem.

Not that I'd wish my mother's life away, but I relish the day after she's passed, when I no longer have to deal with my sister. Once the funeral is over, (if I even bother to attend), I'm pretty much washing my hands of everyone. 

What few folks are left on mom's side of the family are mostly trouble makers (with one or two exceptions, two of the three off spring of my uncle's wife, aka "The European Model" as the Maharajah calls her), my sister can have the rest of the family. My brother and I can salvage something workable between the both of us. End of story. 

The only remaining go-between for the two cleaved halves of my family would be my mom's sister, who, to be blunt? Yeah, she lives a scant 45 minutes from my home and doesn't make any attempt at all to see me or visit my home, and well, no great loss either if I lose her in the great cleaving of the herd.

31 more minutes to go until it's 18 more days on the clock...

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