Thursday, November 9, 2017

Yesterday and Today

Just a quickie post of sorts.

I was in NYC for appointments yesterday. One of which was with my therapist, who I normally do phone in sessions. I was in the city for another appointment and I figured it would be nice to have an in person session if possible. The entire session was devoted to pretty much what I dump here in this blog.

This morning, as I'm packing my bag for work, I check my phone, and fuck-me-running, Audrey called AGAIN. This time at 8:02. I know this is where some other person would say, "I'm sorry but this is not an appropriate time for someone to call me," only problem is, I AM NOT SORRY. This is inappropriate.

Reason for the call: She's concerned she hasn't heard from me, and oh by the way, call your brother. 

Um. No. I will not call him. Why? Because clearly, he knows I am the one who has suffered through a divorce, and yet, inexplicably, for whatever reason, he has decided NOT to loop me in (personally) in regards to what is going on with him, and I am not about to stick my nose in where it is clearly not wanted.

Also, my sister is on vacation this week, so, again, NO THANK YOU, I won't be answering my phone at all those weird hours. 

Bottom line: Mom is in a stable environment. There is no way in hell I am going to answer the phone during these times:

Early a.m.: I am getting ready for work
During the day: I am at work
7:30: We are having dinner

Also, I don't trust myself at this point. I don't trust that I will be able to keep my composure while on the phone with her. I am thoroughly BORED by her, her narcissism, her pathetic nature, etc etc. DONE, in fact. I am totally devoid of fucks with which to dispense towards Audrey and the on going soap opera that is her life, aka "As the Stomach Churns."

And the more she calls me at inappropriate times, the less inclined I am to answer the phone or call her back.  

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