Monday, November 6, 2017

YentaBeast: Timeline: Second Incident, September 2001

It has been 16 years since our wedding, and people STILL continue to talk about how wonderful the food was. As many compliments as I received, what I am going to detail herein overshadows any positive experiences others had of the day.

What I am about to detail is devoid of hyperbole. What I am going to detail are just the facts as they unfolded.

My brother and (his then girlfriend) wife arrived to my wedding reception (which was held in an Indian restaurant), each of them wearing the gold paper crowns from Burger King, and sporting a bag of BK burgers and a 7-11 Big Gulp in each hand.

Okay, process the level of disrespect right there:

1. Showing disrespect to us by upstaging us in those stupid crowns;
2. Showing disrespect to my husband, the host of our reception, by toting in BEEF HAMBURGERS into an Indian restaurant where beef is not served.

Done processing? It gets worse.

They then proceeded to announce their engagement.


Incredulously, it continues to get worse. 

My mother then insisted then demanded that I acknowledge that they got engaged. (The more someone demands I do something which is THIS FUCKED UP, the more I dig my heels in and refuse.

This then spiraled out of control to the point where, weeks later, my mother wrote e a piece of shit letter that basically detailed how ashamed she was of me, and that if I didn't fix this RIGHT NOW (mind you, I was 32 at the time, not a small child to be castigated and chided into obeying) she was going to just write me off (or somesuch, I don't recall the precise wording, as the Maharajah insisted on grabbing the letter and ripping it up). 

I then rewarded my mother for being such a bitch, I refused to visit her and avoided speaking to her for an entire year.

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