Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let No Good Deed Go Unpunished

Well, so as to avoid drama about me not being around, and yet try to make a balance of Thanksgiving shitting the bed for the greater part of my family, I planned on seeing my mother on the 21st, sleep over, and get the fuck out of Dodge before everyone arrives for the family fuckfest on the 22nd.

Turns out my mother thinks she's clever. She's such a moron she doesn't see that I SEE she's going to ambush me on Saturday. Turns out my aunt is conveniently going to be at the house. And oh by the way, my sister knows too, so chances are good she's going to foist my niece upon me since I"m never around, and the argument has been made this is the only way my niece will see me. This, I categorically call BULLSHIT upon, as my sister was in NYC, a scant half hour from my home, and couldn't be bothered to let me know in advance, so I might take the train in or schedule appointments, and swing by for a brief face time and cup of tea. You see, the responsibility is ENTIRELY ON ME.

My sister fails to see that sending a Christmas card an act of passive-aggression. Imagine my ticked-offed-ness when I saw this year's photo card has my niece posing in front of the Time Life Building. She could have been photographed on my back porch for that matter. You come all this way, and couldn't care less about inviting me along? For years I've wanted to go to the Radio City Xmas Show--yet, in all these years (niece will be 12 next month), I have never, ever been included in this. Or included in the multitude of visits to the American Girl Store & Cafe. 


The part of the ambush that was bothering me the greater part of today was the thought of how hurt my brother would be if he found out I came all that way for a visit, and mom et al excluded him/his wife/his daughter. These cunts think I do not speak with my brother regularly enough. We do. If anything we're allies.  So I texted him to let him know I"m coming down on the 21st, and that he and I should actively plan on getting together early on in the new year for lunch at a midway point between our homes. And of course, exclude my sister.

An additional side note here is: I've also tried establishing an email line of communication with my niece (pointless in calling the house, no one ever answers the phone; and my sister does not reply to emails or texts anymore--but yeah, blame ME for the state of affairs here). Granted I haven't sent many emails, perhaps three. And in all three times, they have gone unanswered.  So yeah. Good times ahead for me! A lot of my tenseness in my stomach dissipated, somewhat, after texting my brother. But I've taken to  popping priolosec, because I fear these people are truly making me sick and burning a hole thru my stomach.

PS: My Wellbutrin only goes "so far."

Fuck these hags.

ETA: Whoah. Not sure how or why, but this particular blog post got 77 page views. Wondering what's driving the traffic to this particular post.

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