Friday, December 20, 2013

Avert Your Eyes: I'm About to Vent My Spleen

So, there's drama brewing in my family. I detest these motherfluckers.

I'm just going to get the trip out of the way, and I'll be good until Spring. Thought it was just going to be me and my mother having a nice visit. Instead, she has to effing ambush me, as I've found out my aunt is ALSO going to be there Saturday, and ALSO will be sleeping over. And no doubt my sister will do one of her characteristic "Drive By" things where she dumps my niece off, spending the day (and IDK, perhaps SPEND THE NIGHT TOO?), as if I do not have plans for my time while down there. 

You see, when I visit my mother, my time is never my own if my sister is involved. I had plans on making something special to bring for lunch, then mom told me about what she did and who's coming, and I said, "Well, I was planning on bringing something nice for YOU AND I to eat; you can feed everyone now, I guess." 

I *was* planning on having a friend (who lives roughly 4 traffic lights away from my mom) over for breakfast on Sunday before I left to head home, and now, I don't want to do that and subject him to my fucked up family, and by extension, give them fodder to gossip about. So I'll meet him for breakfast before heading back home. 

On top of all this, this little "party before the party" is a huge pain in my ass as well, because my mother obviously is excluding my brother and his wife, which then puts me in the position to appear as if I had any part of this. I was not included in the plan at all. Also? My mother and sister must think that I do not speak to my brother regularly.

I. DO. IN FACT. TALK TO HIM REGULARLY (and yes, this is in spite of the fact I detest his wife. I can detest her privately, and still have a relationship with my brother).

I let him know I'm coming down on Saturday because the day works out better for me personally, and to avoid the drama of the party on Sunday. I didn't want him to find out after the fact and have his feelings hurt. 

Bottom line is, I have more of a chance of scheduling time with my brother and ACTUALLY SEEING HIM, even if it's at a halfway point between his house and my house, than I'll ever stand a chance of seeing my sister. Simply put, she doesn't want to put forth any effort to see me, she HAS IN FACT driven through my area for work (never stopping for so much as a cup of coffee) and most recently, she was in NYC about 10 days ago, and I found out about this by the photo xmas card she sent me, where my niece is posing in front of the Time Life Building, about 35 minutes from my home--and yet cannot be bothered to say, "Hey, if you can come, even for a pop in visit, cup of tea, for face time...we'll be here on such and such a date." No. None of that. So whatever effort that will be put forth to have a relationship with my niece? Yeah. I AM THE ONE WHO HAS TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN.

Also, I know my sister talks smack about me relentlessly to my mother and perhaps even in front of my niece (who will be 12 next month). She's old enough to make calls or emails herself, yet doesn't. I've tried to email her, and my emails go unacknowledged.

This all brings me to... I don't think the Wellbutrin is helping me in the way I hoped. I still OBVIOUSLY suffer serious anxiety issues, and it's just not cutting it. And I don't want to up the dose and run the risk of a seizure. I'm afraid to have a cocktail now as I don't know how my body will react to it. And I'm going to start 2014 with the hope that I can get to my "medical to do list" without anything else interfering with it:

*Colonoscopy (trust me, not my choice!); *Go to psychiatrist for a consult re: my hormone imbalance and find out if there's something else I can be on for my anxiety & depression; *Follow up w/my neurologist to see if he can help manage my other pain issues (i.e. my adenomyosis/endometriosis, and herniation pain) in addition to my migraines (which he is already treating me for);
* Follow up sleep study

So, I work, and have a limited amount of days off to take for these appointments, and I don't really know how I'm supposed to magically be able to fit in I DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY TRIPS TO JERSEY, given the time, and my own PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS.

So my weekend is shot. A weekend I could be using to paint my living room before the entertainment center gets delivered and installed. But no, I’m going to see these assholes to shut them up.  I told my chiropractor last night (when we were talking about holiday plans), "Yes. This weekend will be the trifecta of suck. Horrible traffic to south central Jersey, Rainy foggy weather on Sunday's return, and dealing with a bunch of passive aggressive relatives who talk smack about me behind my back."

Also? I regret the day my sister asked me to be my niece's god mother. Had I known in advance that I'd be dealing with the amount of health issues as I am NOW, I'd never have agreed to it. I with she'd just get angry, say what she has to say, and out of spite,  make someone ELSE my niece's god mother. 

The baseline of passive-aggression is bad enough, then to add to it, she changed her will and made my aunt my niece's guardian, if something were to happen to my sister and my brother in law. And no, I did not find that out from my sister. My mother, in a Vicodin haze let that one slip out.

I hate every last one of these people, and I'm angry with my father now that he's been gone. Horrible.

Why go? So that I can say to myself, confidently, at least "I" made an effort, and also? It's the lesser of the evils. 

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