Wednesday, June 3, 2020

More Family Fuckery

So, my cousin left this nugget over on mom's memorial page online:

My curiosity was piqued, so I texted her to inquire what was the advice, specifically, that my mom told her in order to have a better relationship with her mom (my aunt).

And rather than say, "I'm sorry for your loss.." and then start in with the text, she just brushed me off and said how she's not into texting as people tend to take things out of context, and suggested I call HER.

No thanks. Not interested in taking that bait. I am of the mind that PHONE CALLS are where the REAL conflict with context comes in. Words on a screen remain as they were typed; whereas, phone conversations, specifically the memory aspect of who said what etc, tends to get really distorted. So no. I don't feel like calling her.

It just would have been useful to know what insights mom dispensed, which she wasn't applying towards her own relationship with her own daughters. 

I guess I'll never know.

I just found it off putting that my cousin would share this bit on a public space, if it were too private to share in depth. 


"Today is a gift and tomorrow isn't promised, and no argument is worth losing each other." It's kind of sad. We were lost for so long, and now there's no turning back.

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