Tuesday, November 20, 2018

October: Beginning & Ending

Where we left off in October—

After my last post, I spent the weekend at the Jersey Shore and very very glad that the thrust of my  visit was not focused on my mom, as I’d only be disappointed.

I swung by Shady Pines for a visit with Audrey. I itially there was a cascade of crocodile tears—all for show, and within 30 minutes it was as if she was hiving me the bum’s rush.

She sat there is a semi-stupor with dead eyes and no interest. She really has no room for complaint given: 1. It was her decision to go to Shady Pines, despite everyone’s input to go elsewhere; and 2. It was her decision to give up on living a life outside a nursing home. She has no fortitude and in the end isn’t independent, and I guess this works for her paradigm she has constructed, a life where everyone needs to go TO her without any expectation of it being reciprocated.

This is merely the end game of a process that has been on-going for the last 25 years, where mom has gradually, consistently, opted out of, well, putting herself OUT/OUT THERE at all.

I no sooner got outside to my car, when she started to call others to shred me behind my back, “You’ll never guess WHO cane to visit without calling first!” Given the fact that she has a designated shower day during the week, it isn’t like she could have freshened up before the visit, so I fail to see what the problem is. Guess what? There are residents at Shady Pines who have no one at all to visit them, who I feel confident would RELISH a visit, even from a stranger.

Later that weekend, I was visiting with a cousin, who inquired how my visit went. I laid out, honestly,  how it went and even detailed that it is a difficult thing to deal with someone with depression, and incapable of being happy. I also detailed how, at the age of 50, I am trying not to concern myself with watching my words or actions to make others feel more comfortable, when it is obvious through THEIR  words and actions, that they don’t care about MY comfort. (This point will be reiterated or re-experienced at the end of the month).

Towards the end of October, things took a turn at work. TBH, I didn't know if I was about to be fired or arrested.

Turns out the Fartiste reported me to my bosses after I made small talk with her. Now WHY yap to her in the first place? 

All my life i have been cultivated to try to make my tormentors more comfortable—in this case I worried she felt left out of the love fest between me and the younger secretary (who treats me like her mentor), so, in August, I engaged the Fartiste in idle chit chat, talking about something (I have come to find out) I shouldn't have, but in peripheral terms, nothing of substance. Mind you, the Fartiste handles the same type of proceedings in our office and a little bit of good will in the form of a heads up would have been lovely. 

SPOILER ALERT: She didn’t want to just get me to lose my job, but also my very freedom. 

So I got called into the director’s office, and her opening line was, “You DO realize it is a felony to disclose anything right?), so yeah, terrorized me right from the get-go. Fortunately, the discussion was more along the lines of an FYI type of thing to protect me; however, at the time, I was so utterly shocked, it caught me off balance and distracted me to the point where I didn't think to ask who reported me--despite the obvious choice.

My tipping point has been met. I’ve decided I need to change therapists, and see one who focuses on schema therapy.

So, I held my water (such as it is) until TODAY, and thought I'd finally be able to talk to my current therapist about this. Sadly, my current therapist is dealing with a gastroesophageal junction cancer diagnosis and started chemo right around the time shit went sideways for me at work, and despite my request to inform me via a text on my cell phone (as I wouldn't be in the office to retrieve my emails until AFTER our designated appointment time), he EMAILED me instead of texting me. So yeah, that fills me with MEH, the idea I rushed to get out of the house an hour earlier than normal to sit in my car and wait for a phone in session that was not to be. I'll blame it on chemo brain. He's got bigger issues than my bullshit with which to contend.

So my refrain from the beginning of the month is on the sidelines, showing me in living vivid color that this person is evil, and isn’t worth my time, courtesy or energy (to devote to merely THINKING of her).

I have been out of the office for two whole weeks, having spent an idyllic visit with my in-laws, and started to actually feel REFRESHED or somewhat RESTORED, and then I had to do something I dreaded: RETURN TO THE OFFICE TODAY. I was greeted enthusiastically by several people, one of whom I didn't anticipate (the #2 guy in our office); and the Fartise remained consistently nonplussed by my presence, and didn't utter a "hello" or "welcome back" or anything else of the sort.  

This all has been a huge wake up call--and I've had smaller ones too recently. After spending close to $8K to visit family in India, an uncle replied how we should visit more frequently (despite us visiting every two years). And my first response is to get ticked that we already ARE visiting them, and they want MORE. And the Maharajah's response is that I should look at things from another perspective--that these people love me and want to spend MORE time with me to love me some more.

I acknowledge that I am broken and I need help. And whether my current therapist gets back to me so we can have that discussion or not, I WILL get the help I need to do what I need to do to break out of this cycle.

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