Thursday, March 3, 2016

(Approx.) 31 Days Later: Update on the Harassment Complaint

Progress is at a snail's pace. 

I went all day yesterday thinking that TODAY was going to be THE DAY for my witnesses to give their statements; only to find out this morning that YESTERDAY was THE DAY, and I only found this out when I went to the secretary who sits closest to me (who witnessed the bullshit tipping point on 12/29), and said, "Good luck today," only for her to say, "oh, that was yesterday!" 


Unsurprisingly the attorney who sits closest to me, who was in his office on 12/29 hasn't mentioned shit to me, and I'm not going to ask him about it either, I like this level of neutrality THE COMMITTEE allows.

But what I am more than a bit disappointed with is the lack of any indication via text, email, or call, from JabippyLoo. 

I guess that tells me all I need to know about who or what I am to her.

And here I sit, I suppose for another 22 days or whenever to hear back from THE COMMITTEE on the outcome of their investigation into the complaint.


  1. Err... should you not be informed of these things?

  2. I think it was implied (by them) "not to discuss this with OTHERS." I mean, hells bells, I'm the one who lodged the complaint! It's not gossip if it involves ME.
