Monday, June 9, 2014

Distinctions, Distinctions: Sociopath or Asshole?

35 or 36 Years ago Audrey informed all three of us kids (after being KIDS and being loud or playing at our aunt's house) of which form of contraception failed:
"You! (Me) YOU were a condom that never was." (*Allegedly my dad had the mumps as a kid and thought he was sterile.)
"You! (Little brother) YOU were a diaphragm that didn't work!"
"You! (Sister, middle child) YOU were the only one I wanted and look at what I got!" (Totally dripping with disgust and disdain).
This was par for the course during a childhood of a never ending stream of invective like this, peppered amongst the regular standby's, one-size-fits-all invective like, "I hate you," and the golden chestnut, "I wish you were never born."  This was a childhood where we all took to hiding to ride out the worst of the abuse. To this day, the smell of fresh, clean linen is the most soothing of scents to me, as the linen closet and under beds were my ideal hiding spots.

Pan forward to 2008, when both parents had taken ill. One in the hospital dying, the other (Audrey) in the nursing home, in the process of having her bowels manually disimpacted by my sister. Audrey decided while my sister was doing an archeological dig on her ass, that THAT was the right time and place to inform my sister of how she's got a different relationship with each of her children:

"Oh yes. Maven is my friend. And (name redacted) is my baby. And I love you because you're my daughter."*
This is a stunning example of lack of boundaries, of Audrey expecting my sister to manually disimpact her, despite the obviousness that she was in a nursing facility and there were staffers there for MEDICAL CARE such as that; as well as my sister's participation in the lack of boundaries by OBLIGING Audrey in this most unpleasant of tasks.

Another gem from summer of 2008 was when Audrey was in the hospital, by dad's bedside, roughly two weeks after his surgery, him attached to the ventilator and mute, she exerted her power by introducing me to dad's day nurse:
"This is Maven, my husband's daughter."
The pendulum continues to swing radically, still to this day, as is evidenced by the wild vascilation to the left, which took place on Saturday of Easter weekend with Audrey in full on manip-u-mode, hysterically crying "I am sorry, I'm sorry. I thought you were made at me!!" to present day snarling at my sister, "Don't ask me if I've heard from Maven. It's like you're stabbing me in the heart!"   Clearly, she's unhinged,in denial that any of us (siblings, and now the extended family) talk, and she's in full on Kermit Flail to anyone she thinks she might get a rise out of, or a modicum of sympathy at the very least.  

And when I say that the pendulum continues to swing radically, I do not mean it goes from "good witch" to "bad witch," I essentially mean going from shitty, to something even more inconceivably shitty... as well as the obvious, her going from "Victim to bitch in 10 seconds flat."

*Now about that "friend" shit. For starters--ERRONEOUS! It's being nice, like feeding the wildlife, which my friend Anne R. Key has been quoted in one of her most recent blog posts as saying. Nice. But being nice like a survival mechanism, but not entirely unlike the foolhardy Timothy Treadwell being nice with those cuddly grizzlies, that ultimately took his life, just as viciously as Audrey will take mine, if given the opportunity.


  1. Remember what we talked about--"HOLD 'ER, KNUTE! SHE'S HEADED FOR THE RHUBARB!" Audrey is hip deep in rhubarb, the stupid bitch.

  2. As my brother says, "She opens her mouth and nothing but stupid falls out."
