Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No News is Goodish News, I Suppose

The last communication I had with my sister was either on or about Audrey's birthday. My text of, "How was the party?" Was met with zero reply, save for a solitary picture of Audrey in a birthday hat. End of story. Nothing further.

Turns out, my brother told my mother about our sister pretty much talking smack about me and my brother, and making digs about how we'll be there with our hands out at the end (when mom dies), and how we're not mind readers, that if sis needs help, she needs to say what it is, specifically she needs help with because, afterall, we're not mind readers.  

Allegedly mom's response to this was that we have our own family to worry about and how she doesn't want someone to help and then complain about her. Brother's reply was, "That's what you have currently."

So perhaps that's why the silence? Perhaps? I don't know. Don't much care. I'm just glad for it. Though, I was thinking about heading to Jersey this weekend, just to see mom, but not sure now about how I'd be received.  

Perhaps mom blurted it out to her? Perhaps words were said? I don't know. And I'm not taking the bait. At this point it's been 10 days since the party, and I haven't heard a peep out of my sister. And I won't be calling her ahead of time to say I'm heading to Jersey, so then she can start foisting her demands on me and my time, as if I don't have my own plans or agenda.

Bottom line brother made to mom was, "You want to go home? You need to walk again." So ultimately whether she comes home or stays put is entirely up to her.

And the sand in the hour glass continues to pour out... lost track of how many more days out of the 100 days  are left at this point.

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