Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020: Corona Virus Arrives At Shady Pines

April 8th and 9th I received voicemails from mom letting me know that the virus was in Shady Pines. The reality is, that it was there no doubt earlier.

Mom was very ill in February and was administered Tamiflu which made her liver start to shut down. But somehow she rallied. Shady Pines was quarantined the entire month of February. We both thought or hoped it wasn't the flu she had, but corona virus--hoping if so, it might have built up immunity or antibodies for it.

When I saw her in December for what turned out to be my annual visit, she was fighting off a bug then.

Voicemails in January she was still gravel voiced and sick, and by mid-March Shady Pines was quarantined, and they still are to this date.

My sister let me know by that point, people weren’t showing up for work at Shady Pines and there were only two aides to tend to 63 patients.

I called mom on April 10th, and let her know that I called the NJ Attorney General and the NJ Longterm Care Ombudsman and the NJ Department of Health lodging complaints about the staff not showing up. Department of Health said they were aware of the problems at Shady Pines and they were advised to use temp agencies; however there was no follow through or oversight to ensure that they in fact used temp agencies to fill the void.

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