Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Stalker: Part 16 Something or Nothing--Perspective is Everything

So yesterday was the last working day before a three day weekend. As part of my usual routine, I check the mail bin, because there is always SOME ASSHOLE who insists on putting mail in the mail bin even though they CLEARLY KNOW they have missed the 4 p.m. deadline to do so.  

Given I was vexed about holding the piece of mail until TUESDAY, I decided fuck it, and stamped it, and went down to the mail bin. I went via the freight elevator. Perhaps I shouldn't. Who knows. But it tipped off my Stalker that I was en route. And of course, it's a few minutes past 6 p.m., and as such he was getting ready to transition to the lobby for his last hour of his shift. 

I put the mail into the mail slot and decide not to take the freight elevator up. I heard his voice, so I decided to take the longer route around to the bank of elevators for the rest of the building, and doing so in the hopes of circumventing a potential interaction.

Little did I realize or forget, there is a groundhog like warren of hallways and tunnels in the building that the building maintenance staff take, and of course, this spry old fucker decided he was going to get the jump on me, take the tunnel and meet me at the elevator.

Or it could be purely coincidental. But I'm one of those people who are generally distrustful of others, especially when someone has exhibited weird, cruel and or stupid behavior in the past with me, as he clearly has. I'm forever on my guard.

To date, we are almost into month five of the Deep Freeze and starving the beast of any interaction.

He seized the opportunity and said hello as I entered the elevator.

With my eyes facing the doors, never looking at him or otherwise acknowledging his presence, I gave a terse but polite hello, the kind you'd give a complete stranger who happened to extend a polite hello to you. 

The elevator doors opened up, and I exited the elevator walking with firm intent (not rushed, not running, but DELIBERATE), and without looking back, and without any further acknowledgement of a possible good bye, as I don't want to encourage him into thinking I am starting to thaw. 

That Gotye song, "Someone I used to know" applies so much here, however, clearly my point of view is entirely different than the singer of that song. He's just somebody I used to know.

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