Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Stalker: Part 18 Apparently, He's Still At It.

A while ago, we upgraded my phone. And in doing so, I forgot to reblock the Asshole Stalker's number on my phone. Or I did, and then eventually I deleted him from my contacts (for obvious reasons) and in doing so, it deleted the block? 

IDK the particulars, but all I know is today, I looked at my phone and around 3:30, there's this 490-XXXX number on it. The person called and hung up, and knowing I've got a bunch of doctors whose numbers have not made it into my contacts list, I called.

And I recognized the voice of my stalker. 

And I hung up.

And apparently, according to Jean the other security guard, Sir Asshole is still lamenting his status outside my circle of trust.

And I fail to comprehend how, "Leave me alone," doesn't sum up my sentiment for him to do precisely that. LEAVE ME ALONE. 

The fact that he doesn't understand this is not my problem.
The fact that he misses whatever he thought of our friendship, this, too, is not my problem.

To date, he's even failed to apologize or otherwise take ownership of the insults etc. It's actually tedious as fuck to even know this is going on, and of course, conversations with Jean have now been two days running (this post is actually being penned on the 5th) and Sir Asshole has dominated as the topic. 

And today while carrying on a conversation with Jean, which I had hoped would veer off into more interesting things, all the while I am being stalked on the CCTV monitor by Sir Asshole, Sir Asshole is calling Jean on the console for extraneous shit, interrupting our conversation. 

And not to be outdone, roughly five minutes earlier than expected, Sir Asshole is lingering, he thinks, just beyond my peripheral vision. 

I see him.
He sees me.
I roll my eyes and audibly make  an "UCHH!" noise and turn my back. 

And I hesitated for a half second thinking, "Do I want to continue my chat with Jean?" And before I could formulate the thought in reply to myself, "No thanks," I turned heel and walked in the opposite direction from both of them. 

Next time (and there will be a next time, because fuck! I have to pass the security console several times a day), I will fumble but get this sentence out, the next time Jean attempts to bring up Sir Asshole:  "il y a des choses plus intéressantes à discuter." (There are more interesting things to discuss.)

And there ARE (more interesting things)!

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